Why simple wins every time

In business, it’s easy to complicate things. More features, longer emails, extra steps. We're all guilty of it. The assumption is that complexity adds value. But often, the opposite is true — simplicity wins.

Brevity cuts through noise. It makes decisions easier, products more appealing, and communication clearer. The best brands — Netflix, IKEA, and even your thriving local cafe — are masters at reducing friction.

A simple offering is easier to explain, faster to deliver, and more likely to be remembered. Customers appreciate not having to think too hard. In a crowded market, the clearest message stands out.

But simplicity isn’t accidental. It requires discipline. It means saying no to the extras that don’t truly serve the core mission. It means refining, stripping away, and focusing on what really matters. Less really is more.

Next time you’re faced with a choice — whether it’s writing an email, delivering a speech, or pitching an idea — ask yourself: How can I make this simpler? Chances are, the simpler version will be the one that works.

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Jamie Larson