Your brand is what they whisper

Spoiler Alert: Your brand isn’t what you say it is.

Your brand is what people say when you’re not in the room. It's the sentiment shared between clients, staff, suppliers, and even competitors — mostly behind closed doors, in WhatsApp groups, or over coffee.

Boilerplates, slogans, and websites are important, but they’re just surface-level. The real brand lives in the quiet moments — after the meeting ends, after the product is used, or after the service is delivered. That’s when the whispers happen.

Did you exceed expectations or overpromise and underdeliver? Were you easy or exhausting to work with? Did you create value or just take up space?

Every interaction leaves a trail of breadcrumbs. Over time, those crumbs turn into stories. And those stories shape your reputation, much like chapters create a book.

The best brands focus on earning the right kind of whispers. They invest in being consistent, honest, and humble — knowing that the smallest touchpoint could shape someone’s lasting impression, forever.

If you want to build a better brand, ask yourself: What are they whispering about me today? If you’re not sure, that’s your starting point.

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Jamie Larson